COVID 19 Guidelines:
Classes will be significantly smaller. The double room’s capacity is normally 70+ will now hold a maximum of 27 students, studio 3 will hold 14 (normal capacity is 30+) with adequate space between mats. Maximum 12 people in yellow zone, maximum 25 people in green zone.
Online sign-in and payment. We will only be able to process sales online. Luckily the studio is big enough to manage our Mysore crowd but we are transitioning to an online sign-in system, no more paper and cards. Sign-in here.
We will honour your old class passes and monthly memberships, HOWEVER if you decide you are able to forfeit your old pass and buy a new one you will be given a 15% discount off of all new passes.
Windows will remain open and fans on whenever possible
We will be disinfecting the studio before and after every class.
All surfaces that are touched frequently will be disinfected several times a day.
Teachers and staff will be washing their hands often and will not come into the studio if they have a temperature or any symptoms.
We will not be offering physical assists in the yellow zone.
Sanitize your hands upon entry into the studio (at least).
Be prepared to book and buy your classes online. Now this can be done through AYM's website.
If you or any of your family members have any symptoms, or if you are in isolation or quarantine please do not come into the studio.
Wear your yoga clothes to class and plan to use the changerooms minimally. They will be open but will be limited to 1 person at a time.
Please only bring what is necessary to class. There is limited space for storing personal belongings.
Plan to arrive early for class to ensure you have enough time to get organized with the increased safety measures.
Please use the markings on the floor for mat placement.